Quick Start Guide - How to Make and Sell a Cosmetic Product

For those new to making and selling cosmetics, here is a little quick start guide so that you know what you need and what your responsibilities are.

1. Set up your business - Pick a name, trademark your name, register with HMRC as a sole trader or Limited Company.

2. Decide on what products to sell and create a formula and purchase a custom CPSR or a flexi CPSR with recipe for the product that you want to make. 

3. Purchase trade approved scales.

4. Write your GMP - Good Manufacturing Practice statement and follow it.

5. Cost up your products and packaging and decide on your retail prices and margins.

6. Practice your formula and perform stability testing.   Do challenge testing too if you are making an aqueous product.

7. If you haven't already, purchase your CPSR.  Assign your UK responsible person if you haven't already.

8. Create your product labels with all the necessary required information.

9. Create your PIF - product information file.

10. Assign a product code to your formula.

11. Assign batch numbers to your batches, and record them in your PIF.

12. Register on the SCPN - UK Gov cosmetic portal, and submit your products.

13. Launch, and sell your products.

13. Keep a record of new batches, ingredient batch numbers and any customer complaints or refunds in your PIF.

Need a bit more information on this?  We have a great little eBook covering it all HERE 

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